bird behaviour

bird behaviour

Vicky recovered

Our queen Vicky magpie has been free of flu symptoms for a week now, so we are cautiously optimistic that she has beaten the illness that took our pied butcherbirds Gerry and Teddles. But the visits to the nest seem to have been a false alarm; no one has been sitting on any eggs this week as far as we can tell. So we took a walk up the road yesterday and asked our magpies what's up this year.

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Minnie Miner saves me from a snake.

As our beautiful queen magpie Vicky is not feeling well right now, I decided to go and visit her. I walked along the road and spotted her in a tree in our side paddock. I called out hello, and took one step off the road towards the fence. Suddenly, I was confronted by one of our noisy miner friends, screaming loudly at me and looking down:

Minnie miner on fence warning me of a snake that I can't see

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When A Lady's Bathing

Satin bowerbirds usually live in cool rainforests, migrating to our parts of the world only in winter and early spring.  A lady bowerbird has been frequenting the lilypot this winter and the camera was at hand to capture some shots of this beautiful bird.   Have a sneak peak below:

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Has Vicky Magpie got a mate at last?

I told you about the male magpie Richie, who has been wooing Vicky since Maggie's passing. Well Tuesday morning, four birds (instead of three) landed to say hello to us. Vicky and her adult kids Mindy and Monty were there, as was a large handsome male magpie, all four loudly carolling out their territorial ownership. Who was the new male magpie?

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Hiding in the Camelia Bush

carpet pythonThe birds were making loud gargling like noises outside the front door!  That's always a sign of danger.

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