Wild Bird Kingdom - Keys to Friendship (Free Gifts)

Make friends with the birds that live around you, talk to them and discover their wonderful world

You don't have to go on a wild life safari in a remote jungle or trek through the Antarctica to discover the amazing life of the fellow creatures who share this world with us.

One of the most wonderful worlds exists all around you, right in your backyard, or local park, or suburban flat. 

Birds have an incredibly loving, extremely intelligent, complex and intricate social life. They care for their families, their communities, their inter-species network.  They are great communicators and love making friends.  Yet, we humans are so busy with our lives that we often don't notice the magical world we live in.

You too can enjoy the fascinating world of talking to the wild birds that live around your home. 

To help you make friends with the birds and enjoy the magic for yourself we have created these Free Gifts which you can download.

Gift 1:  Free subscription to the Wild Bird Talking ezine.

In the Wild Bird Talking ezine you will find articles and stories on:

-    How to talk to the birds, understand their messages and communications and discover more about their lives

-    About the amazingly loving, rich and interesting, social and emotional lives of birds that live freely all around the world,

-    Readers'  experiences,

-    Get tips and techniques on how you too can talk to the birds and communicate with them as friends,

-    How to experience the love and joy that talking to the birds brings to your backyards and create a transformation for yourself.

-    Special offers, interviews with experts, site updates and other resources that will help you make a difference easily. 

Gift 2: Five Keys To Friendship With Wild Birds - by Gitie House

A quick start guide describing the essential elements of talking to wild birds in your backyard or neighbourhood and making friends with them

-     Read the benefits of making friends with the birds that live around your home

-     Quick steps to getting started, attracting birds and winning their confidence

-     How to talk to them, recognise them and develop a rewarding friendship

Bonus Gifts:    Free Audio and Transcript (with additional notes):

How to Help Injured or Stunned Birds Recover with Rescue Remedy

-    Rescue the injured bird in your garden and let it return to its family and loved ones. 

-    Especially useful for birds caught by cats, or stunned by flying into glass doors and windows, or struck by cars.


Start Now.  Enter your details below to receive the ezine and collect your bonuses.

You will receive an e-mail requesting confirmation of your subscription. On confirmation you will be sent a link to download the bonus gifts. You can unsubscribe any time and the audio and transcript are yours to keep and share with your family and friends. Your email will not be sold, traded or disclosed to others.


(Maggie will never give your email address out to other people.)




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