Pingu Magpie & Her Human Victoria
One year old Pingu magpie loves her human friend Victoria.
The two have a real bond and enjoyed spending time with each other.
Even Mummy magpie liked to perch on Vic's knee
But Pingu liked talking to Vic up close and personal
In the suburbs juvi magpies leave home around the age of one to join the singles pad and learn the adult ways. Mummy and Daddy magpie then have the room for the new season's babies. Victoria and her Mum Jan were worried that feeding Pingu might make her dependent on them for food. After a weekend away they found Pingu no longer came to see them. She had been disappearing for a day or two before. Young magpies do check out several places before leaving permanently. While sad to see her go, Victoria and Jan are delighted that Pingu is moving on with her magpie life.
Thanks Jan for sharing these gorgeous photos & story -- Gitie