Now You See Me, Now You Don't!
Who is that calling so loudly, interrupting my reverie? It's not a sound I hear often and never before so loud. Yes, I'm definitely being called.
But outside there's no one to be seen. Hey, wait a sec, who's that calling me from behind the leaves in the bottlebrush? Which is really strange because in all the years we've had this plant, no bird has ever visited it before, even though it is meant to be a bird-attractor.
Lo and behold, a head pops out and it's my scaly-breasted lorikeet friend! His mate flies over from the depths of the mulberry bush and they are both talking to me quite delightedly. (Some of you may remember seeing them from 2008 calendar - but then again you might not because they're featured on the December'08 page.)
I ask them to wait while I rush into get the camera and they do. It's late afternoon and the sun is behind the bush creating a glare and throwing them in the shadow. I wish I had brushed up on taking better photographs in this light condition. But as the wind blows through the branches letting some light in, I am able to get some good shots. The birds pose for ages, unperturbed by the clicking of the camera. Everytime they disappear into the leaves, I ask them to come out again so I can see them better and they do. My heart overflows with gratitude and amazement.
These birds are shy. They only visit us ocassionally. Autumn has started and it has been months since the mulberry fruit season. The last time they said hello to me, they were so coy. Perhaps they've been talking to the Rainbow Lorikeets who dropped by out of the blue just as boldly only a week or so ago.
The butcherbirds and noisy-miners watch with interest. To their credit they show no jealousy and do nothing to interrupt or disturb the photo-shoot. I know there's love in all their hearts.
Take a look at the slideshow below for a peek at the birds.
(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).
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